Brow Lamination Aftercare: How to Make Your Results Last

Congratulations! You’ve just secured a set of beautifully laminated brows, but now what? We’re here to guide you through the best possible aftercare for your brows following your lamination treatment so that you enjoy your amazing brows for as long as possible.

Why is brow lamination aftercare important?

There’s more to aftercare than making sure your brows remain looking as good at home as they did the moment you left your esthetician’s office. If you’re ever unsure of why your brow technician stresses the importance of aftercare, here’s a little something to keep in mind:

You want to make your results last

Like all good things, we never really want them to end, right? When we treat ourselves to a service that not only provides a moment to be pampered, but to feel good about the way we look, we try to make it last longer. 

The process of brow lamination is not a permanent makeup treatment. You can expect results to last about 4 to 6 weeks. The best way to keep your results looking good for as long as possible is an effective aftercare routine.

Aftercare ensures you don’t have any rough patches

Whether it’s right after your appointment, or into the days following the meeting with your brow artist, there is going to be the possibility of messing up your lamination and tint, making it look patchy or unevenly done. Taking the right aftercare precautions prevents this from happening as much as possible!

The dos and don'ts of brow lamination aftercare

Ok – you get it, aftercare is important. But what exactly does that mean? What does proper aftercare for brow lamination consist of? Here’s a good overview of what your brow artist will share with you, post treatment.

Avoid sun exposure to the best of your ability

Whenever you can, always try to avoid direct sunlight and tanning. While tanning products may be safe for the rest of your body, the act of exposing your brows to direct UV light can not only hurt your skin, it can also increase how rapidly your lamination will fade. You may not realize it, but the sun can weaken the chemical bond holding your brows in place, resulting in uneven, unsightly eyebrow hairs. To mitigate this, wear hats, sunglasses, and stand in shade whenever possible.

Hold off on sweaty activities

Staying active is an important part of caring for your body; however, when it comes to proper aftercare for the brow lamination process, you’re going to want to write off all physical activity that results in even the smallest amounts of sweat. Thankfully you won't have to avoid being active for long as your brows really only need 24 to 48 hours to set sufficiently.

Touching and brushing are off limits

Keeping the integrity of your brow shape means resisting every urge to touch or brush your eyebrows. Although running your fingers along your newly pampered brows may feel good, the truth is that it can interfere with the longevity of your treatment and should be avoided as much as possible.

Don’t let water and moisture near your brows

While you shouldn't be skipping showers or washing your face, it’s important to limit the amount of water or other moisture that your brows encounter. For the most part, this is most crucial during the initial 48 hours, but can still apply a bit after that. You can wash your face with care, but jumping into swimming pools, or relaxing in saunas can leave your brows fading fast.

Make sure your makeup and skincare products are aftercare safe

Not all makeup is made equally! While you may want to top off your lamination with some brow gel or eyebrow tint, there are specific types of makeup that will negatively impact your treatment. 

Oil-based products are the main culprit behind fading brow laminations. This usually includes makeup remover, some creams, and others. Discuss your regular go-tos to see if they make the mark!

Book regular lamination touch ups

As your brow hairs begin to shed and regrow, your lamination will slowly deteriorate. As your eyebrows return to normal, start to plan your next touchup appointment so that you can keep the clean, fabulous look that comes with an eyebrow lamination.

You can book an eyebrow lamination appointment every 8 weeks to maintain the look for your brows.

Come to MR. Brows and we will guide you through your brow lamination progress!

More than just an esthetician, MR. Brows is here to provide quality services with customized aftercare tips to make sure you leave looking your best and continue to look your best for days to come. Because you deserve it! Allow us to make your brow dreams a reality – from tinting, waxing, and shaping, we’ll leave your brows looking fierce.


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