How Often Should You Get Waxed?

We all love the feeling of freshly waxed skin. Smooth and supple, it practically begs to be touched. But within a few weeks, you’ll notice that your hair has started to peek up from under the surface. 

Regular waxing can actually reduce the amount of hair that grows back over time. But, like most things worth doing in life, consistency is key.

We’re getting personal with waxing today as we decipher how often you should get waxed.

Factors that influence how often you should wax 

Waxing is one of the most effective ways to remove unwanted body hair. It’s a personal choice, and how often you go back is too. For best results, getting on a regular schedule will help you enjoy the benefits as long as possible.

A few factors influence how often you should wax. 

What area are you waxing?

If you’re waxing parts of your body that other people see, you might need to go in more often for waxing. For example; eyebrows and, upper lips are definitely areas you’ll want to keep up with! Whereas areas like your legs, back or bikini may be something you’ll hold off on, especially during the winter months!

How fast does your hair grow back?

Generally speaking, after a wax, you can expect to see consistent new hair growth within 3-5 weeks.  That being said; the more you wax, the more you are actually damaging the hair follicle, which ultimately slows down the hair growth over time!

What type of hair do you have? 

Different types of hair need more frequent waxing than others. Coarse or curly hair takes more consistent care than fine hair.  

Are you able to keep up an after-care routine?

Early in a waxing journey, it might feel like your hair is growing back faster than expected. What’s actually happening is that your hair isn’t on the same growth cycle yet. Shaving or tweezing in between your sessions can make it harder to get the best results. 

As part of a regular after-care routine, you must resist the urge to pluck or shave!

The importance of a waxing schedule

Getting on a consistent waxing schedule is the best way to achieve results. For smoother skin that lasts for six to eight weeks, you’ll need to work at it! 

Regular waxing leads to long-lasting results 

Before you start waxing, your hair is in varying growth cycle stages. But, after several waxing sessions, you’ll notice that your hair is growing back thinner and slower. This is partially because your follicles start syncing up, and some stop producing hair altogether. 

Routine waxing avoids hair overgrowth

When you go in for your first waxing session, your hair has to be at least a quarter inch long. This might be the longest it’ll be once you start waxing regularly. Spreading out your sessions too far can result in overgrowth. It’s not more painful to have waxed, but it’s much more visible.

Discomfort becomes more manageable with waxing checkups

Your first waxing session is the most painful, and everyone manages the discomfort differently. With regular sessions, it starts to hurt less because there’s less hair to remove. Follicles start dying off, and hair thins out with consistent treatment. 

Once you’ve established a schedule and stuck with it for a while, you won’t feel a thing!

How to maintain a waxing schedule

To get the most out of your waxing sessions, you’ll want to create a schedule. It’s more than just finding convenient dates on your calendar, though that matters. You also need to think about how fast your hair grows and your overall aesthetic goals.

Plan your schedule around special occasions

If you have a big beach weekend planned, heading in for a Brazilian wax the day before is a bad idea! Right after waxing, your skin needs a few days to recover before resuming regular activity. Look ahead to see when you have special occasions on your calendar. This way, you can make sure you’ve got the perfect skin that’s fully healed and ready to party! 

Consult with your professional waxer

Your esthetician or waxing tech is the best source of information when you’re trying to set a waxing schedule. They have the experience to help answer questions and make recommendations for your aesthetic goals. Build a relationship with your favorite professional waxer, and they’ll never let you down!

MR. Brows is here to help you establish your waxing schedule!

MR. Brows is dedicated to helping you get the most out of your waxing sessions. No matter your goals, we’re here to help you get onto a consistent schedule. We’re experts at bringing out your natural glow from brows to down below!

To get on a regular waxing schedule, reach out to MR. Brows today!


Your Guide To Men’s Back Waxing